Geschreven door Caphas Mugabi:
8.30 AM, the parents begin to arrive at Apex school. By 9.30am the classes were busy as parents check for pupils books, home work papers, marked holiday package, beginning of term exams and mid-term examination results. The parents were excited about the steady progress in pupils activities and the level of their growth and development. The paths to the site where the new school is built, was very busy!!!! Parents were overwhelmed by the level at which the new school has reached. Builders busy constructing as they are almost at the beam level. Then to the new energy saving stove; mostly the ladies did not want to leave the kitchen area, amazed by the smoke free kitchen. The children singing Apex song, continued to show their love for Apex school, playing in the swings as photos show.
It was timely to have Apex school!!!!!!!!
Leuk dat caphas ook een stukje op de web-site heeft geschreven. Wat een goede ontwikkelingen daar!